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Hi 17 tahun

You only have 24 hrs left to watch what some members have called the most significent for 2017.

Here's why members went nuts for this:

- Roger shared UPDATES on what's working right now in Ecommerce (in. a crazy Instagram idea that's crushing it)

- We shared a 3 step Ecommerce roadmap that details exactly how Roger did 2.2M last year in sales and how so many members crushed it...

- You will meet Grag and Jon, 2 complete beginners when they met us in December. Within 30 days, they did over 106k in sales and rising!

Click Here to Watch the Replay Now Before it Comes Down.

***Major Update on Miami Live Bootcamp***

We only have 7 spots left for the most unique Ecomm live event around...

* Pre event training to make sure you make the most of your game changing Miami experience
(Jon and Glenn were making 4-5k/day in sales as a result of this training!

* 3 days live event that will transform you into an EXPERT in:
- Finding red hot products people want to buy...
- setting up your sales machine to max out sales
- Generating cheap FB traffic 

* After event training to make sure you're applying everything you know to achieve results you

Plus, you'll meet fellow amazing members you can team up with on your exciting journey ahead!

Click Here Now to Watch the Replay and Fill out Your Application for Miami

Either way, make sure to watch the replay to discover Roger's 3 step formula that took our members from
zero to 106k in sales from scratch

Click Here Now


Barry and Roger

PS: Members have asked, what's the difference between Glenn/Jon and me?

The answer is simple: They trusted the system you learn in this training and took action.

Best thing though, is they made a TON of mistakes yet still hit 4 figures days in sales based just
on the pre event training we gave them.

Watch This Now and Fill Out the Application (9 spots left, 15+ on waiting list)



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