Hi 17 tahun
Just to let you know we're about to close registration for our Miami
ecommerce event...
The same training Jon and Glenn received that made them 106k/30 days
in sales from complete scratch...
Not only this is this more affordable than any live bootcamps of its type...
And it will transform you into an ecommerce maven in 3 straight days...
...It also provides you with pre event training to guarantee you get the most out of this...
Plus post event training to make sure you're applying this big time into your business!
Click Here to Find Out More and Fill Out Your Application
***Update About the Miami Group***
Just to let you know we have an AMAZING group of members already signed up for the event:
Massive reason to succeed
Ready to take action
In short, anyone part of this group will become part of the most powerful ecommerce community around.
Lacking in skills?
Wish you could team up with someone else to keep you accountable?
If so, then Fill in Your Application ASAP Before it's Too Late and Become Part of Our Miami Community
Barry and Roger
PS: Glenn and Jon joined this very same group in mid November having had zero Ecommerce experience.
They took action with the pre-event training they received as preparation for the event.
The result? By the time they arrived, they were already having 4k sales days...
By day 2 of the event, they hit their very 1st 10k sales day...and it hasn't stopped!
Click Here to Discover the Ecomm Code and Sign Up Before It's Too Late for Miami